The power of business matchmaking is one of the most powerful tactics for growing your b2b events and conferences. Want to learn how you can make it work for your next virtual or hybrid event? Read on!
Business matchmaking is a way for companies to get the benefits of being at an event without traveling or taking time away from their day-to-day work. It’s also a great way to network and find business partners on your own terms by creating opportunities that are tailored specifically to you.
Business matchmaking is commonly used for events where networking either is the main item on the agenda, or just a side part of it. Common examples are:
Business matchmaking is best done with the support of a software tool. One that highly automates the process and easily integrates business matchmaking into the workflow of an event. Therefore, it is ideal when the tool also has all other necessary features to manage your entire physical, virtual or hybrid event.
If you break down how the business matchmaking process works, there are four steps:
OR with the Virtual Fusions matchmaking software allow AI(artificial intelligence) to make connections with other businesses dependent upon specific factors outlined during planning!
b2b matchmaking starts when participants register online by filling out the event registration form and completing their profile.
Customized questions defined by the event organizer and adapted to the topic of the event guide participants through the set-up of their individual profile.
However events aren’t only about the individual participant, but what they have to offer or are seeking.
This is where participants can enter things like NAICS codes, keywords, etc.
Participants will be able to see who they want to meet and have a list of potential partners before the event begins- just by searching through profiles!
Before the event begins, attendees can schedule meetings with each other. This saves valuable time during the event.
The organizer has flexibility in determining who will be a good match, or determining who gets the final say in if the meeting will actually occur.
The system can automatically assign each meeting to a numbered table or informs the participants if it is a virtual meeting.
Individual configurations allow you to customize each single step of this third phase for the exact needs of your event. Configurations allow you to customize:
During the actual event, participants can enjoy their prearranged meetings. Ideally, this first meeting is the starting point for a collaboration.
Matchmaking is all about making the right connections. It’s no different for business owners looking to strengthen their relationships with other companies in your field, which makes it essential that you do so correctly and on purpose.
But how can a busy person stay organized while organizing an event? Use our easy-to-use b2b matchmaker tool! Registering guests based on interests or needs gets them matched up automatically just like any dating app! – only this time instead of dating, these businesses are meeting at events & conferences specifically tailored around matching industry leaders together one by one until everyone has found someone else they want to meet face-to-face!
Virtual Fusions, an event management software that specializes in b2b matchmaking, helps event organizers create an event experience where connectivity is maximized.